More than half of Northwest Indian College Students study at Extended Campus Sites, taking a combination of face-to-face and distance learning courses: ITV, online and independent learning.
ITV Classes: Interactive Television is one method used to teach distance-site students. The class is generally taught from the Lummi campus and broadcast to various sites through the television. Students can interact with their teacher and fellow classmates through the camera and microphone provided. ITV is only available at distance sites for certain classes. Please view the online schedule for specific classes and times.
Independent Learning (IL) Classes: Independent learning classes are available to all students, regardless of location. Students do not attend a regularly scheduled class, but instead receive a syllabus that outlines the course requirements, assignments, and deadlines. Each class has an instructor that students must contact to submit their assignemnts. Methods of submitting materials varies, depending on the instructor’s preferred method. It is the student’s responsibility to complete assignments and ensure they are properly submitted.
Online Classes: Online classes are taught through CANVAS.
Transcription of the Video:
[lushootseed Language] That’s the lushootseed language for, “Oh you honorable people, my friends and relatives, I thank you for listening to my story.” My name is Jenifer Cordova-James and I am 18 years old. I am the descent of the Tlingit tribes of Alaska, but my homeland is Tulalip. I attend the Northwest Indian College branch on the Tulalip site from the bigger campus on Bellingham. So, a regular day here there would be anywhere from 2-7 students that sit around the table, we get our books out, get ready for class. Up at the main campus there is strict timing- so when their camera is on they see us, this is the mic we use and this is the camera, that gets a shot of the classroom and then the teacher and other classmates that are in the class. And you see the class like that.”