The Teaching and Learning Toolkit consists of orientation materials, resources, and methodologies to support faculty in teaching and learning at NWIC.
Service Learning in the Classroom
Overview Service learning is a teaching method that combines community service with academic instruction as it focuses on critical, reflective thinking and civic responsibility. Service learning programs involve students in organized community service that addresses local needs, while developing academic skills, sense of responsibility, and commitment to the community. (Community College National Center for... »
Best Practices in Online Teaching for Student Engagement
Overview Many theorists predict that online education will gradually surpass traditional classrooms in the role of educating students in higher education. Peter Drucker, management icon, states that “In 30 years, the universities of America, as we have traditionally known them, will be barren wastelands.” Gordon Dryden and Dr. Jeannette Vos in their top-selling book,... »
Learning Styles and Preferences
Overview The concept of “learning styles” derives from the observation that individuals have characteristic and preferred ways of gathering, interpreting, organizing, recalling and thinking about information (Davis, 2009). The term “learning style” has been used in many ways to indicate the ways in which people learn. The terms “learning style,” “learning preference,” and “learning... »