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Archive for the ‘News’ Category
We just found out that we finished 17 out of the 33 colleges and universities that started this years USLI project. We are pleased with the results, especially since Frankenstein II had issues with the launch pad. The top five finishers are: 1) Utah State University 2) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3) Vanderbilt University 4) […]
Nearing the end of a long, sometimes arduous journey. The PLAR has been posted. Now we wait and start to think about next year.
We returned home after and interesting, exciting, and somewhat frutiful adventure in Huntsville, Alabama at the University Student Launch Intitiave portion of the NASA Student Launch Project. This link will take you to a quick recap. Much, much more to follow!
Today was the last day for the meetings until the University Student Launch Initiative competition. Though many of us were nervous, not including myself (wink, wink) we did great work and remembered all the parts of our rocket and our presentation. The questions we were asked about our rocket involved, how Frankenstein 1 failed, how many trails […]
On the 26th of February, the Rez-Riders went to the Mansfield launch site yet again to test launch the new and improved Frankenstein 2. The drive was boring and uneventful as usual, many of the members slept the entire way including myself (Silent Renegade AKA Kyle). Due to a weather forecast that threw off the […]
He lives! He lives! 3/20/11 saw Frankenstein II rise majestically into the sky on a CTI J330 reload. Altitude was 2389 and a heart-thumping recovery as the winds blew him toward the sea ponds and the open water of the Straits of Georgia. Frankenstein II landed on the dike road, the sea pond 20 feet […]
Just a brief post that shows some videos of the Death of Frankenstein. Stay tuned for Frankenstein Part 2, the REZurrection! The flight Aft-facing camera 2 Aft-facing camera 3
We launched our USLI rocket, Frankenstein, today and it flew very well. Also, Thomas and Krissy launched their rockets in a NAR L1 attempt. Krissy’s flew superbly while Thomas’s payload bulkhead became detached and the payload and nose cone were lost. Here is a quick video of Thomas’s lauch and Frankenstein’s flight.