Faculty Activity – January 3-4, 2017

The faculty teaching and learning activity scheduled for the Winter quarter pre-service on January 3rd and 4th, 2017 will focus on a (1) a discussion of a recent article about the NWIC Teaching and Learning Initiative and (2) the application of the self-reflection and action research steps in the framework presented at the Teaching and Learning Institute, as shown below.

In preparation for the pre-service on January 3 and 4, please do the following:

1.Read the article Relationality and Student Engagement: Connecting Teaching and Learning at a Tribal College

2.Identify an action research project that you could perform in one or more of your classes Winter quarter with the intention of exploring a change in how you teach. If you are not familiar with action research in teaching and learning please review the materials on the NWIC teaching and Learning website from past action research work below, particularly the video of Don McCluskey’s action research project. You can also find extensive information about action research in teaching and learning on the internet.

3. Fill out an the action research proposal form available on the Teaching and Learning website

4.Bring a print copy of the proposal to the teaching and learning activity on Jan. 3. We will discuss the draft proposals on Jan. 3, make any necessary updates, and then submit, present, and discuss them on Jan. 4.

Note that, as stated on the action research proposal form, faculty members who complete action research projects can receive a $250 stipend. The goal of the activity on Jan. 3 and 4 is for faculty to think about, prepare, and discuss an action research idea and not necessarily to perform it during Winter quarter. All action research proposals must be approved by the Teaching and Learning Committee and approval is also contingent on the availability of stipend funding.


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