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Archive for the ‘General’ Category
Gary, Mariya, Cathy, Delanae and daughter Angelina, presented a water rocket workshop at this years, Women/Girls and Men/Boys Conference in Gold Bar, WA this past Wednesday, August 25. After a several hour trip in the maroon van, whose air conditioning didn’t work (of course on one of the hottest days of the year), we arrived […]
Julie Clift and Debora Nielson, both of NASA, were instrumental in encouraging us to attend. They certainly made our attendance attainable by providing possibilities and opportunities. They and all of the other NASA and university people there made us feel very welcome and greatly expanded our knowledge about physics, engineering, and other topics that end […]
NWIC Space Center USLI Team Looking for More Team Members
Posted: 23rd August 2010 by gbrandt in General, Hot Rockets, UncategorizedThe NWIC Space Center has assembled a team of eleven students that have committed to making a proposal to NASA for the University Student Launch Initiative. This is an 8 month commitment culminating in a rocket launch held mid-April in Huntsville, Alabama near the Marshall Space Center. For details (and a picture of the tremendous […]
We were just informed of our 2nd place finish at the First Nations Rocket Launch held in Wisconsin during the weekend of April 30- May 1, 2010. Weare pleased with our results and are planning on improving our skills and knowledge at future competitions.
This is the response to a question that Gary asked Kent Newman, president of the Washington Aerospace Club regarding taking the Level 2 certification written test: It’s easy, Gary. Both NAR and TRA have a test question pool on-line that becomes the source of the written test for each organization. Let me know if you can […]
Washington Aerospace Club will assist us in our USLI quest
Posted: 4th June 2010 by gbrandt in General, NewsGary, I believe that the idea is an excellent one and the club would truly enjoy the opportunity to support your group in any way that we can. Tell me about your timetable as it becomes available. For us, the earlier, the better! We’re excited! 🙂 Kent, President, Washington Aerospace Club, NAR Section 578 From: […]
The Northwest Indian College Space Center is pursuing the NASA University Student Launch Initiative after a successful First Nations Rocket Launch competition sponsored by the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium and hosted by the College of Menominee Nation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok7B9I5BeEA&layer_token=3a2a9e049ee330be