An awful lot has transpired since the last post. I and four team members went to a NASA Advanced Rocketry Workshop in Las Cruces, NM the latter part of July. Kiya earned her Level 1 Certification, our team won the “Most Spirited” award, we visited America’s Spaceport (still under construction) and we launched high powered rockets at Alamogordo near the White Sands Proving Grounds.
The class finished up on 8/12 with many rocket adventures. The culmination was a class built high powered rocket that we launched at our launch facilities. Class and team members also spent some time with the Women, Girls, Men and Boys Conference in Gold Bar, WA with a water bottle build and fly activity with conference participants. We also did a day-long air/paper and water/soda bottle rocket build and launch with 15 high school students from the Summer Science Academy. Great fun was had by all!!
And, last but not least, we’ve had an article about us published by NASA and placed on their website.
More words and pictures to follow.