Kwenanget-otel – "Helping One Another"

Created by the NWIC Center for Service Learning

Geology 101 Teams Up with CSL and Lummi Natural Resources-Hazard Awareness Fair

Hazard Awareness Participants and Volunteers

Hazard Awareness Participants and Volunteers

Will you be surprised? Or Prepared? That was the question that everyone was asking at the 1st Annual Northwest Indian College and Lummi Natural Resources Hazard Awareness Fair. Terri Plake’s Geology 101 class prepared demonstrations and background information on the natural disasters that threaten the Lummi Community. There were displays describing and demonstrating the destructive power of tsunamis, earthquakes, erosion, volcanic eruptions, storm surges, liquefaction, drought and the global threat of geomagnetic storms. Guests were welcomed with a root beer float and sent out to learn and discover what mother nature has hiding up her sleeve. Along with educating the guests about the situations they may find themselves in there was a table set up to address the issue of preparedness. There were examples of materials that you should have stock piled in case of an emergency and examples of an emergency plan. What if you and your children get separated? Is there a place you can all meet? An out of state friend of family member you can all call and check in with? The event was very informative as well as a great time. A huge thank you to Terri Plake and her Geology 101 class.
Will you be surprised? Or Prepared? That was the question that everyone was asking at the 1st Annual Northwest Indian College and Lummi Natural Resources Hazard Awareness Fair. Terri Plake’s Geology 101 class prepared demonstrations and background information on the natural disasters that threaten the Lummi Community. There were displays describing and demonstrating the destructive power of tsunamis, earthquakes, erosion, volcanic eruptions, storm surges, liquefaction, drought and the global threat of geomagnetic storms. Guests were welcomed with a root beer float and sent out to learn and discover what mother nature has hiding up her sleeve. Along with educating the guests about the situations they may find themselves in there was a table set up to address the issue of preparedness. There were examples of materials that you should have stock piled in case of an emergency and examples of an emergency plan. What if you and your children get separated? Is there a place you can all meet? An out of state friend of family member you can all call and check in with? The event was very informative as well as a great time. A huge thank you to Terri Plake and her Geology 101 class.

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