NativeView, Inc. is pleased to announce Tribal College Forum VIII (TCF VIII), August 18-20, 2009, in Bellingham, WA. Hosted by Northwest Indian College (NWIC), this year’s forum has the theme of “Sacred Lands, Sacred Trust: Geo-Spatial and Spiritual Perspectives.”
The purpose of this forum is to engage Tribal colleges, Tribal communities, and the geospatial science and technology community in cooperatively developing opportunities for supporting Indigenous people as they fulfill their sacred responsibility to manage, preserve, and protect their lands. Complementing traditional ecological knowledge with technology at this forum will nurture Native students and enhance Tribal self-governing capabilities
Participants will engage with Tribal leaders, TCU Presidents, students, Federal agencies and private industry professionals. By developing relationships with colleagues from around the country, they will share successful experiences and develop a deeper understanding of NativeView, Inc. and its vision for strengthening tribal education and employment.
For more information, contact Steve Pavlik, TCF VIII Chair, Northwest Indian College (360) 392-4307,; or Carrie Jucht, SGT, contractor to the USGS/EROS (605) 594-6800 or
Costs, registration, and TCF VIII information will be released soon!
August 18-20, 2009 “Sacred Lands, Sacred Trust: Geo-Spatial and Spiritual Perspectives.”