University Student Launch Initiative 2012

Northwest Indian College Space Center

Results of Saturday’s Launch!

The weather was perfect, only a little bit of wind but nothing that caused us worry. Sadly we only had one rocket ready to go, but one rocket is better than none.

After revisiting the safety precautions and going over how to set up the rocket for its launch, we hopped into the cars and we were on our way.

Setting up the rocket itself was the tense moment. Checking and double-checking that everything was precise, and re-checking again to make sure that everyone there would be safe. We had a few moments where the connector wasn’t working, but that was quickly fixed and we were ready.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1….That moment where you think it’s not going to launch…

Then suddenly it was shooting through the sky! That proud moment when you make a rocket that launches. But then came the breath-holding moment when the parachuette doesn’t come out when you expect it to. Your heart drops…Then suddenly it breaks free!

Launch successful! We retrieved the rocket and called it a day.

To be noted: Randall Finkbonner and Brandi Lynde have received their Level 1 certifications as a result of this successful launch.

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