Helpful Hints

The items posted here which appear on the home page are listed in the order that they were added to the blog.  Be sure to go to the bottom of the page and click on “Older posts” to see older posts.

Please note that many of the postings are organized by location under the “Categories” section on the home page.

You may use the “Search” tool to help locate postings that may relate more directly to your specific interests, e.g., by searching for “sustainability,” “climate change,” “environmental protection,” etc.

Please note that blog contains only a partial listing of the wide variety of internships of potential interest to NWIC students.  You may find information on additional opportunities by conducting your own search using the Internet and other resources, such as your faculty advisor.

Several resources for additional information on internships and related opportunities are available by accessing the page links shown near the top of the homepage of this blog.