Making the Case for Space: Three Years of Empirical Research on Learning Environments (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE

Making the Case for Space: Three Years of Empirical Research on Learning Environments (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE.

  • Students attending classes in the University of Minnesota’s new, technology-enhanced learning spaces exceeded final grade expectations relative to their ACT scores, suggesting strongly that features of the spaces contributed to their learning.
  • First-year and sophomore students as well as students from metropolitan areas rated the new learning spaces significantly higher than their upper-division and rural counterparts in terms of engagement, enrichment, effectiveness, flexibility, fit, and instructor use.
  • Different learning environments affect teaching-learning activities even when instructors attempt to hold these activities constant.
  • Although assignment types greatly affect the study environments students select, in choosing informal study spaces students fall into routines early and are reluctant to deviate from them even if they are not meeting their study goals.